If you’ve been with me (even for a short time) you know that I love teas. And not just for the health benefits but for the ‘me time’ that it creates, which is also good for your mental health.
So today I want to talk about one of my favorites, chai tea. Chai tea is unique and wonderfully spicy but not in a peppery-hot kind of way. It’s more warm and fuzzy. Plus it’s very aromatic which, to me, also lends itself to the experience.
Chai tea is made from a blend of black tea and spices.
I actually have a shelf in my pantry dedicated to teas, but I grab chai more often than the others. I think, in part, because of the way it makes me feel … clear, calm and happy.
But there are many more reasons to grab for the chai tea:
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers blood sugar
- Contains antioxidants
- Aids digestion
- Reduces bad cholesterol
- Acts as an appetite suppressant
If you like to check out my favorite chai tea click here.
Have a great weekend and don’t forget to have some ‘me time’.
For a healthier you!
Sandy DeRose