I was thinking about my skin, hair and supplement routines the other day. And how, since I moved five years ago, I haven’t been as consistent as I once was.
You see, my life changed quite a bit back then. New house, new job and my fiance moved down from Ohio (and so many other things that I can’t think of them all).
Maybe I was in a rut previously. But at least I was consistent with my routines, lol.
I find it frustrating now, though, because I want to keep all my good habits.
So this led me to finding ways to be and stay consistent. And I thought, if I’m struggling with this maybe you are too.
And if you are like me, here are some tips I’ve learned to help me stay on track:
- Implement only one habit at a time. Doing more than one at a time might risk setting yourself up for failure.
- Keep whatever you are trying to incorporate into your routine simple at first. When it becomes a regular habit then you can add to it.
- Set an alarm on your phone … I do this for reading. But you can apply it to many things.
- Make a “habit goals” calendar.
- Do a habit with a friend so you can keep each other accountable. Or you can have a friend, family member or significant other ask you about your progress. But let them know how often. And if you have Alexa … have her remind or ask you.
And one of my favorite ways to create a new routine is called habit stacking. If you haven’t heard of this method, it’s basically doing something you want to do with something you already do.
It’s super easy. You identify an old habit and combine it with a new habit.
For example, I have coffee in the morning but I need to add more water into my daily routine. So before I drink my morning coffee I will have a glass of water.
You can do habit stacking with almost anything.
I’m still a work in progress. But I try not to beat myself up (and neither should you). I just start again.
If you have any tips for staying consistent, I’d love to hear them.
Have a great weekend!
Sandy DeRose