Do you like fruit-infused water? Do you make it at home? Or do you put your nose up at it and think it’s something you wouldn’t like?
To be honest – I was guilty of thinking I wouldn’t like it. My main reason was because I really dislike a lemon on my water glass. I always feel like the faint taste of lemon is weird and kinda gross. Besides, I love lemonade and that is far from it.
Well, pre-COVID I had a women’s gathering at my house during the day. I wanted to do a nice little brunch with refreshing drinks. I bought one of those cute little dual-drink dispensers. You know the type, with glass containers and the pretty stand?
So on one side I decided to do an iced tea with lots of lemon and on the other side … cucumber water. I just thought the colors would look nice. And it seemed like people drank cucumber water … maybe?
It wasn’t until one of my girlfriends said to me, “That’s really good”, referring to the cucumber water. I said, “Really?”. That’s when I knew I had to try it. And to my surprise I actually liked it.
Since then I have tried many different infused waters. And recently I started wondering if there were any health benefits to them.
I mean, how many health benefits could there be? They aren’t like teas. The water is lightly infused. But my curiosity got the better of me and I started researching.
And wow … these little infused waters pack a punch when it comes to health benefits. I thought you might be interested in some of my findings.
Add any of the following to water and enjoy their benefits:
Cucumbers – High in antioxidants, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-5, potassium, and may lower blood pressure.
Watermelon – High in antioxidants, amino acids and lycopene, which reduces muscle cramps and inflammation.
Mint – High in iron, folate and antioxidants. Supports digestive health and can alleviate indigestion. Also improves mental function. Pair mint with a favorite fruit-infused water and double up on the nutrients.
Lemons – High in polyphenols. Is great for your skin, boosts the immune system, aids digestion and freshens your breath.
Oranges – High in Vitamin C, which is anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system and is necessary for skin health.
Strawberries – High in antioxidants and great for glowing skin.
Pineapple – High in enzymes and antioxidants. Aids in digestion and detox.
Lime – High in antioxidants, potassium, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B and D. Great for skin health, aids in digestion, lowers blood sugar, fights infection and inflammation.
Ginger – Helps with nausea and digestion. Is also anti-inflammatory and may help with joint pain.
This is just a small list of the infused-water possibilities (you get the idea). Be creative and mix some of your favorite fruits, vegetables and herbs together for a healthy treat.
You can prepare your infused water ahead of time and leave in the fridge. But don’t allow it to sit for more than 12 hours because the ingredients will start to become mushy.
I think infused water makes for a nice change. Besides being low in sugar and calories they are also refreshing.
Do you have a favorite flavor?
And if you give these a try … let me know your thoughts!