It’s been a couple of years since I touted the benefits of beta-glucans.
And this excerpt from one of the articles is worth repeating:
Adding beta-glucans to your diet can lower your cholesterol and blood sugar, strengthen the immune system, fight cancer and build collagen. Foods rich in beta glucans are: miso soup, dates, seaweed, brewer’s yeast, baker’s yeast, oats, barley, shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms. You can also take a supplement which is available at your local Vitamin Shoppe or online.
But not only are beta-glucans good for your health, they are 20% more hydrating for the skin than hyaluronic acid. They do what hyaluronic acid does … only better.
In fact, beta-glucans can really penetrate into the epidermis to plump up those fine lines and wrinkles and they make the skin just look more youthful overall.
They also have wound-healing properties, are brightening, firming, soothing and can reduce redness.
I’ve actually gotten to experience these effects from essences, serums and sheet masks containing beta-glucans.
If you haven’t noticed them in products you will definitely see beta-glucans as the star soon.
So move over hyaluronic acid … there’s a new ingredient in town.
For a younger you!
Sandy DeRose
Zulli F., Et. al. Improving skin function with CM-glucan, a biological response modifier from yeast. Int J Cosmet Sci. 1998.
Celina MP., Et. al. Antiinflammatory, antioxidant and cytotoxic actions of β-glucan-rich extract from Geastrum saccatum mushroom. Science Direct. 2007.
Majtan J., Et. al. β-Glucans: Multi-Functional Modulator of Wound Healing. Molecules. April 2018.
Cloetens L., Et. al. Role of dietary beta-glucans in the prevention of the metabolic syndrome. Nutr. Rev. 2012.
Daou C., Et. al. Oat Beta‐Glucan: Its Role in Health Promotion and Prevention of Diseases. Institute of Food Technologists. 2012.
Chen J., Et. al. Beta-glucans in the treatment of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks. Vas Health Risk Manag. 2008.
Rop O., Et. al. Beta-glucans in higher fungi and their health effects. Nutr Rev. 2009.
Talbott SM., Et. al. Baker’s yeast beta-glucan supplement reduces upper respiratory symptoms and improves mood state in stressed women. J AM Coll Nutr. 2012.
Pillai, R., Et. al. Anti‐Wrinkle Therapy: Significant New Findings in the Non‐Invasive Cosmetic Treatment of Skin Wrinkles with Beta‐Glucan. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. 2005.