Happy New Year!
If you have been a regular reader for a while then you know I don’t really like New Year’s resolutions.
My thoughts on them are that they set up a person to fail.
Usually you try to do too much at once and it’s hard to keep with it. It’s easy to feel defeated and give up by the middle of January.
Habits are formed slowly.
So I had an idea for all my readers who would like to turn back the clock and ‘anti-age’ in 2019 – without making it a resolution.
For the next 21 days I would like you to join me in making anti-aging a habit. Now this doesn’t just mean to look younger. It also means to feel younger and healthier.
You see, Dr. Matthew Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1950s, discovered that it takes a minimum of 21 days to adjust to anything new. This is where the concept started.
Most motivational speakers have adapted the “21 Days to Form a New Habit” method.
The truth is that everyone is different and the theory has been studied a lot since Dr. Maltz coined the phrase. And many studies show that it can take anywhere from 18-254 days.
But Dr. Maltz knew that 21 days was just a starting point.
So, for the very first day of this brand new year, I would like for you to commit to join me everyday for the next three weeks for a healthier, younger you.
It’s your starting point.
Maybe you think you are already anti-aging. Well, that’s great! But I think everyone can get something out of the exercises, tips and knowledge that I’m going to share in the next three weeks.
These are tools to make your anti-aging routine effortless – without thinking.
By the end of this program you should be ready, every day, to do something good for your health and skin.
Here we go …
Day one: Sit for five minutes quietly. Take some deep, slow breaths in from your nose and out through your mouth. And while you are doing this imagine a younger, healthier you. Think about how you would like to feel and look in 2019 (make it fit your goals). And breathe this thought in and out for at least five minutes … more if you want.
So that’s day one – you are telling your mind you want to make the change.
See ya tomorrow.
For a healthier you!

Sandy DeRose
Lally P, Et. al. How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2009.