If you’ve read my anti-aging hacks for the last two weeks you know that I’m loving geranium oil.
Actually I’m obsessed with it, lol.
And if you missed those hacks, no worries. Here’s what I said:
- Geranium oil can tighten skin, which will reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The astringent properties in the leaves are what makes this possible. Mix 5-6 drops of the oil with the carrier oil (olive, jojoba, almond, apricot, sesame, coconut, etc.) of your choice. And apply like you would any serum.
- Today’s geranium-oil tip: to relieve nerve pain, add 3-4 drops to 1 tablespoon of any carrier oil and massage the affected area.
Geraniums originated in Egypt but now are found all over the world.
But when it comes to the oil, there are two types: Egyptian and Bourbon, also called Rose.
They both have therapeutic value and actually overlap with some benefits.
For today’s article though I’m going to be discussing the Egyptian variety because that’s the one I’ve been using.
I actually purchased an organic, therapeutic-grade oil. When my package arrived I couldn’t wait to tear into it. So I slathered it on my skin before bed.
Don’t do that … It’s very strong. You have to dilute it with a carrier oil of your choice (I should know better). Then, it’s amazing!!
So here are some of the wonderful benefits (all topical applications):
- Builds collagen
- Tightens and soothes muscles
- Eases eczema
- Balances hormones
- Improves blood circulation
- Relieves stress, anxiety and tension
- Promotes calmness and lifts mood
- Eliminates foot fungus
To make a batch of oil for any of the above I mix 6 teaspoons of a carrier oil (whatever I have handy) and 15 drops of geranium oil.
I don’t make large batches because I want it to be fresh.
Do you have a favorite oil? Let me know.
For a healthier you!
Sandy DeRose