Have you heard about the trend of putting castor oil in your belly button?
Well, it’s been all over TikTok and Instagram the last couple of months.
So what’s all the fuss about?
Well, supposedly there are a lot of health benefits to doing this.
Things like detoxification, reducing inflammation, stimulating the digestive system, aiding in a good night’s sleep, reducing stress, helping hair growth, promoting fertility, boosting immunity and alleviating sore muscles and joint pain.
But does it really work? Is there any science behind this?
Well, first let’s say it’s not a new idea or a new trend.
The process of putting something like an oil in your belly button is called the Pechoti method and comes from Ayurvedic medicine, which has been around for thousands of years.
Pechoti is a mythical gland in the stomach. The belief is that you can absorb essential oils, or other oils, through the navel in order to heal the body from whatever ails you.
While many oils are absorbed into the body through the skin there is no evidence that putting an oil in the belly button is going to relieve any health concerns. But it’s not going to hurt you either.
So if you want to give it a try … please report back and let us know.
And if I decide to give it a try I will do the same!!
Oh, and if you missed it last week … my new Timeless Beauty just came out … it’s not an oil but a skin serum that will have you glowing in as little as three days (backed by science)! Click here for more information.
For a younger you!
Sandy DeRose