You see, I don’t want to bombard the site with a bunch of photos of 20- and 30-somethings pushing a remedy or product for anti-aging – that is just never believable to me.

Why can I help? What makes me an expert?
My story in short:
Everything I ever learned about not looking old I learned from looking at my grandmother.
As much as I adored and loved my grandmother, that’s how much I didn’t want to age like her.
I was probably about 16 when I noticed how wrinkled she was (her health was poor as well). It was at that time I realized how much I was like her. I asked my mom why she looked so old. Her reply was because she didn’t take care of herself.
Well that was enough for me to start my search on how to take care of my skin and my health. I read every magazine I could get my hands on and looked into as many kitchen remedies as I could.
My next step was to go to the public library – yes it was the prehistoric, pre-internet era. And that’s when I started collecting knowledge about healthy living and recipes for maintaining a youthful appearance.
Years later I learned about clinical research and studies and my searches became even more valuable.
You see, I got a chance to develop skincare products and supplements for a world-renowned, anti-aging doctor. Not to be confused with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon – this doctor works from the inside out and so I now connect to two worlds.
I am going to post information that will teach you how to do it all and look and feel youthful at any age.
This is your DIY Anti-Aging kit. Try something on each page and you will feel and look younger instantly. You will find anti-aging remedies that are natural. Find a regimen from each subject and people will be guessing you younger than your years.
An added benefit will be feeling younger. You can get started today!
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Enjoy your journey to a much younger, youthful you!!
Sandy DeRose